Kings Boxing Academy celebrated a really tough season by awarding those who committed themselves to the sport. This was their 3rd annual awards event since the club was resurrected by head coach Chris Rattenbury. The team was rewarded for some of the most outstanding commitment to boxing in and out of the ring. This season was the most challenging to date with the team travelling over 3,500 miles to compete in everyone’s back yard with an 80% win ratio. The team are very grateful to all sponsors and supporters for making this all happen because without them the gym would be closed.

This year the team was blessed with the presence of several VIPs and supporters who came to recognize and celebrate the team’s success and status. Guests of Honor were the former British and WBC super middle-weight champion Glenn Catley and Councilor Ron Peart who are both Patrons of the club. It was a humble affair and one that was to see the launch of a new incentive called ‘Fit For Work’ which hopefully will see Kings Boxing Academy assist unemployed into fitness and competitive sport and to improve their success in the job market. Sadly for the team two major players needed to make this succeed being the Job-Seekers dept and a major recruitment agency that seemed keen to get involved both failing to take the challenge to support the incentive. It will be a really difficult task to run this community support project without the backing of those who are directly involved with unemployed young people said coach Chris Rattenbury. I am already committed to helping many young people in the sport and give a tremendous amount of my free-time as a volunteer; we require real assistance to make such a project work for the benefit of others.

On a brighter note the boxers who won awards are as follows, The Bristol Batteries Award for most committed in the gym went to Amy Pike a very dedicated young lady who turns up every night and trains like a warrior. The next was the Mid Devon Advertiser award for the best bout of the season; this was presented by the former sports editor Richard Bray to Charlie Ryder for his outstanding battle in Lincoln for the London ABA Challenge belt. The next was the Lazerpics award for the best improved boxer; this was presented by the Champion Glenn Catley to Cameron Hussain, who had the vote from almost everyone in the gym for his continued efforts. Next was the St Mary’s Garage award for the best junior boxer, this was presented by club Patron Mr Phil Maunder to Levi Chiplin for his outstanding commitment in the gym and competing in the ring. The next award was the MP Automotive award for the best cadet boxer, the award was presented by Mr Jordan Pinter to Joe Kneen for his tough contests this season. The next was the Sibelco award for the best senior boxer; this was presented by Richard Giles and Nigel Canham of Sibelco to George Clark for the 2nd year running, George has had a mixed season but is one tough boxer ducking no-one. Finally the team’s most prestigious award The Kristen Taylor Memorial award for the Boxer’s Boxer was presented by the Champion Glenn Catley to Charlie Ryder for the 2nd year running and deservedly for his excellent ambition to boxing. All these young people have followed their dreams, coached and guided to outstanding achievements and have committed to the sport of boxing, there is not sport like it for fitness, endurance, competitiveness and discipline. Kings are proud to produce such outstanding athletes and upstanding members of the community.

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