The gym has been closed, the Team realises the impact this has on everyone connected to boxing and fitness clubs during these difficult times.
During which time the gym has under-gone many safety updates, maintenance and improvements which has drained our resources, we even invested in our new logo.
The club has provided support, encouragement, exercise programs, education incentives and even lending out training aids to support requirements and motivate our members. The club has made contact including FB notifications to all members since Christmas and asked very little in return simply to respond, motivate and check-in to show some acknowledgment keeping the sporting spirit going. Our T&Cs and basic expectations support quality of standards which encourages pride and respect this in-turn promotes better boxers to which the skills and life-skills are embed for a life-time.
The Pandemic is almost over and the club will maintain its mission to train members to a high standard through our committed unpaid volunteers who give up their vital time to help others.
Our aim is to make every member a great boxer and possible Champion in and outside of the ring!